elijah davis


the eye sees in a million ways unable to comprehend what fervent destructions are wrought by its reach, or: the embattlement of personhood and privacy is a look into the ways that drones, birds, and omen intersects and entwines, as well as how we will see these startling forms intercede into our lives.

Daedalus (2021)


The seven cornets represent the seven trumpets from the Christian eschatological narrative. The sounding of the horns comes after the seven seals have been broken, and they usher in major apocalyptic events. In Daedalus, I echo the seven trumpets and speak to a nearing event within the United States: the permanent residency of the drone.

video coming soon

bird feed (2020-21)


Birds have long been the eyes and ears for gods — forever watching, existing in a place we can only hope to reach, communicating what they see to an invisible being.

We have developed a version, avian adjacent, to inhabit that space, however fleetingly and impermanently, watching and relaying data, all controlled by human hands, but from a distance.

What do they see when we don’t know they’re watching? What do you not want them to see? What will happen when drones exist in our airspace, watching every move, documenting it for someone we might never see?

video coming soon

video coming soon

Shakespeare (2021)

Starlings are an invasive species to the United States. They were brought here by Shakespeare enthusiasts who wanted to be able to see all the birds he mentioned in his writings.

Micro drones are becoming a reality, already being tested and well beyond the research phase, and drone swarms come with it. There is the possibility – the probability – that these drone swarms will work together to harvest and share information.

Will we just exist with them? Are they not an invasive species?

elijah davis


the eye sees in a million ways unable to comprehend what fervent destructions are wrought by its reach, or: the embattlement of personhood and privacy is a look into the ways that drones, birds, and omen intersects and entwines, as well as how we will see these startling forms intercede into our lives.

Daedalus (2021)


The seven cornets represent the seven trumpets from the Christian eschatological narrative. The sounding of the horns comes after the seven seals have been broken, and they usher in major apocalyptic events. In Daedalus, I echo the seven trumpets and speak to a nearing event within the United States: the permanent residency of the drone.

video coming soon

bird feed (2020-21)


Birds have long been the eyes and ears for gods — forever watching, existing in a place we can only hope to reach, communicating what they see to an invisible being.

We have developed a version, avian adjacent, to inhabit that space, however fleetingly and impermanently, watching and relaying data, all controlled by human hands, but from a distance.

What do they see when we don’t know they’re watching? What do you not want them to see? What will happen when drones exist in our airspace, watching every move, documenting it for someone we might never see?

video coming soon

Shakespeare (2021)

Starlings are an invasive species to the United States. They were brought here by Shakespeare enthusiasts who wanted to be able to see all the birds he mentioned in his writings.

Micro drones are becoming a reality, already being tested and well beyond the research phase, and drone swarms come with it. There is the possibility – the probability – that these drone swarms will work together to harvest and share information.

Will we just exist with them? Are they not an invasive species?

video coming soon